I got home yesterday afternoon from work to find both a message on the answering machine, and an email from a Nashville publisher friend of mine by the name of Bob Dellaposta. Bob has worked some of my songs over the last few years, and in fact was the publisher who got me my cut in Australia back in 2014. Anyway, Bob wanted the lyric sheet and music track to my song HE’S ALIVE.

I replied to his email, attached the lyric and track, said hi to Bob, and asked “what’s up”? I got a simple response from Bob shortly therafter, “An Easter pitch for TV”. Nothing more. No flash. No whistles or bells, cheering crowds, no none of that; just a hard workin’ guy in Nashville who believes in my stuff enough to send one of my songs to an opportunity of being used somehow in someone’s production. Do I hope the song finds a home? You bet I do, but that’s not the reason I’m writing and reflecting this morning.

You see, this morning I again pulled up the lyrics and mp3 for HE’S ALIVE. As I sat here listening, and reading through the lyrics of a song that I wrote 10 years ago now, the tears began to fall. I said to myself, “That’s a good song. No, that’s a great song”! And before anyone thinks that my head is getting fatter than it already is, let me rephrase that- God blessed me with an ability to articulate lyric, and gifted me with the talent to frame that lyric in melody, and that is a great song! And the frosting on this cake is the fact that this lyric is unabashedly about my risen Savior…


To take a listen- copy and paste the link below, or hit “some of my songs” at the top of this blog page and scroll down to HE’S ALIVE
